A foreclosure is a business transaction by which a bank becomes a property owner after being the holder of the mortgage on the property. All business transactions are recorded accordingly in the accounting books, and a foreclosure requires certain seats accounting to reflect the change in ownership of assets of a bank from lending to the property. A foreclosure also involves other accounting entries to account for any deterioration in foreclosure, while a bank has assets of execution and sale of goods executed last.


When a bank forecloses on a property that is the guarantee of your loan, effectively acquires awarded good and frees the borrower from the obligation to pay for the cancellation of the loan in default. In general, the accounts would record a charge to property foreclosed and a credit to the outstanding loan.

If the fair market value of foreclosed assets is higher or lower than the amount of outstanding loans at the time of foreclosure, the foreclosure generates a gain or loss recorded as a credit or debit card, respectively. Otherwise, the foreclosure fully satisfies the loan without any gain or loss.


In a well could have been awarded impaired during his arrest and should be re-evaluated in any decrease in the value of the foreclosed fair market over time. An impairment charge is the loss that goes to the income statement. The accounts debited loss on impairment and credit related foreclosed. The fair value of an asset awarded later can also increase, and therefore, a gain must register as a credit. However, the basis of a foreclosed property should never exceed the base acquisition.


The provision refers foreclosure sale of a foreclosed property. After the sale, the bank that owns the foreclosed property removed from its balance sheet and record the proceeds from the sale as well as gains and losses. Entries shall be debited cash and credit any losses and foreclosed property and any related gain. However, to be considered as a sale, the buyer’s investment must be adequate to demonstrate a commitment to pay for the property.


The sale of goods awarded may also involve seller financing in which the buyer provides only a certain amount of down payment at the time of the transaction. With seller financing, a bank sells foreclosed property would record a charge to loan receivable as an asset on its balance sheet. Any initial payment is also due, but gains or losses cannot be fully recognized at the time of sale. The bank will only recognize a gain or partial loss in proportion to the money received so far and records the balance of the gain or loss is deferred as.